Casus brings humanity into circus through a breathtaking and fragile display of skills. Through bold, quirky and captivating performance the four members of Casus (Emma Serjeant, Jesse Scott, Natano Fa’anana and Lachaln McAulay) bring a wealth of knowledge and experience into this innovative work, having previously performed extensively in Australia and around the world with C!RCA, Legs on the Wall, Polytoxic, and Briefs Collective.

Casus Circus is a contemporary circus company from Brisbane, Australia. Their premier work Knee Deephas become an international sensation, and Casus continues to create performances that delve into the origins of circus and explore the limits of the body.


Casus create from the heart, telling authentic stories through their unique and rigorously refined physicality. Off stage, Casus strengthen their community connections and deepen the human focus of their work through regular skills sharing. While touring, Casus aims to present master classes and educational programs alongside their live performances.